Funnel Stacking: What is it? [3 Examples]

The Definitive Guide to Sales Funnel Stages Tarun Gehani todayJune 23, 2020 452

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You may be wondering how people are making millions of dollars using the internet. If you have not heard about funnel stacking before then this should be your wake-up call. It is essentially a viable means through which you can use to insidiously and steadily climb up the earnings ladder. You can use funnel stacking to over time transition from earning a few dollars daily to raking a couple of thousands every month. This is the lifestyle business model you should strive to have. Such a business will generate a stable and invaluable revenue stream that enables you to repay your mortgages as well as set up a retirement account.

The biggest question on your mind right now might be how do you can use funnel stacking to get to such a point? How can you develop an enterprise that consistently earns so much money per month or year? Well, we are here to answer that question. The following article will provide extensive insight into what funnel stacking is and what are the tried and tested funnels that can be stacked together. Additionally, you will get to learn what it would take to develop a funnel or a group of funnels that will earn you millions every year. So here we go!

What Is Funnel Stacking?

Funnel stacking is basically the idea or thought that every prospect that enters our world has to go through a particular series of funnels in a particular order. You should pay special attention to the term “particular.”

For me, there are essentially 3 funnels that make up a million-dollar online enterprise. They normally have to go through the first funnel, then the second one and finally the third funnel. The funnels come in a specific order and are piled on top of one another. You can think of it as a funnel inside a funnel concept, however, each funnel has a unique task and objective.

Insight into the 3 main types of funnel

Your funnels are ultimately set up to guide high-ticket clients to your business. There are two types of clients. Those that are contented with purchasing basic and cheap commodities and those that are ready to invest in themselves by buying the most expensive commodities that you may have in stock. Whether they are high spending or not, both groups of clienteles contribute to the success of your business. Your funnels assist in determining which is which since these clients have to go through each funnel.

The Self-Liquidating Funnel “One-Time-Offer”

This funnel mainly functions is converting a lead, a prospective client or anyone that has not bought anything before, into a buyer. That is its precise and clear job. When someone visits your funnel, the first objective is ensuring that they subscribe to your email list on your landing page. They are normally given a one-time offer. The objective of this discounted commodity is to convert the prospective client to a regular paying one from the start.

You may be wondering how you can achieve this. How can your funnel make this happen? Here are 3 things that have to occur in your OTO Funnel

  1. Someone has to opt-in.
  2. They will get an enticing one-time special discount offer once they opt-in
  3. After they buy the item, they receive a second offered referred to as a one-click-upsell.

The order the basically opt-in then one-time-offer and finally one-click upsell. This is what your one-time-offer achieves.

The quickest way you can launch this funnel is through a 1-page funnel. Here is the game changer if you want to gain new clients. This funnel has a self-liquidating component to it. It basically means that you are eliminating your ad expense by getting new clients and free leads daily. This first funnel is intended to earn you thousand dollars that will help you in sustaining your Facebook adverts for as long as you want. If you spend $1,000 today, you can generate the same $ 1,000 by the end of the day and thus still be able to put up the same advert tomorrow. It can be as simple as that since your growing list of clients and ever-expanding potential clients will be able to sustain it.

You have the option of entirely skipping this part and immediately moving on to a self-liquidating funnel. You just have to first:

Evaluate and Monitor

There are two critical components to the first funnel; examining your offers and keeping an eye on your conversion rate. You have to be consistently A/B split examining your offer. This is regardless of it being a low $7 item or a $97 item. I am currently running an offer on a $27 commodity. I am, however, still constantly testing new commodities and new pricing within that region though it does not simply end there.

How Are Your Earnings Per Click Fairing?

Are you achieving your intended objectives of breaking even as well as liquidating all of your expenses? You should remember that the first funnel is not designed to earn you money off the front end. Because of this, you should funnel stack. Breaking even after liquidating your expenses allows you to sustain your ad expenditures. That is the means through which you will develop your client list.

One of the major reasons for having several funnels is because you have different categories of clients. There are the “more casual” group of clients that spend very little money and the surprisingly ambitious, famished clients that readily purchase anything you have to offer as long as it helps them in any way. Some clients need assistance throughout the entire process. They form the key candidates for your membership subscription.

You first have your Facebook ads rake in prospective clients to your opt-in option on your landing page. They then go through your OTO funnel. There is a twist, however. You will start them down your high-ticket funnel which will be more appealing to specific types of clients. You then let them go through your membership funnel which will again be appealing specific clients and so on.

It is essentially a system that will help in classifying your clients. It will also give them suggestions on the commodities that will best serve their needs as they continue scrolling through different segments. By the end of the day, you will have guided your clients to what benefits them the most. You should not solely focus on pushing for the sale of products. It is all about providing assistance and guidance that is of measurable value.

2 – The High-Ticket Funnel

Here is where things get a bit more interesting as this is how we earn more from new clients and leads. A majority of internet market niches are taken up by high ticket commodities that either has a 5 or 6-figure price tag on them. In our funnels and niches, however, products mainly lie in the $250 – $600 price range. You must create a commodity that will meet the needs of your most ambitious clients depending on your niche. These are clients that want everything you have to offer. This type of client normally likes having a competitive edge over anyone else. They are thus more willing to take up advanced training programs, further education and to the best of what you are offering up for sale. Your high ticket funnel is more than just breaking even and resolving your expenditures. You are essentially cashing in a substantial amount of your earnings from expensive commodity offers.

High Ticket Funnels Need High-Ticket Problems!

Rather than offering a basic $27 commodity, you should be concentrating on providing a high ticket $600 commodity. Some clients are ready to learn and do more than the ordinary person out there. You should also keep in mind that you won’t be able to sell a $700 item if you are not resolving a $700 problem. More people will be ready to buy if the problem is bigger and more expensive. This is how you will be able to differentiate and define price-points. If you plan on solving a $20 problem with a $300 item, then you are likely to run out of luck by the time the plan comes into fruition.

Though the second funnel will involve a considerably lower conversion rate, it has more money in it hence higher profit. This really spices up the numbers.

What Is The Niche Of This Funnel?

For instance, you have many people buying from your frontend landing page funnel. The money generated however is reinvested in more ads and the vicious cycle repeats. This is not the case for the high ticket funnel despite its high purchase cost. You stand to make large profits even with only a few people buying from your landing page. This is truly a game-changer.

Additionally, these two funnels have their own unique functions, thus you can’t actually say which one among the two is better. High ticket funnel is quite good at raking in more profits for you while OTO funnel essentially serves to grow and keep growing your list. You essentially acquire benefits from both funnels bringing into perspective funnel stacking. One requires to use different funnels stacking available against each other to generate millions in their digital marketing business.

3 – Membership Funnel

The membership funnel functions to generate both high ticket income and recurring income simultaneously. For instance, you offer a yearly upsell that creates $37 per month, for every client. In the case of membership funnel, you can gain easily a profit of about $200 yearly for every client who signs up.

I am quite well accustomed to membership funnels as I have used it for some time. My wife Melanie and I have a similar workload since we have been publishing the schedule for these members in about 5 to 6 years. We thus generate more revenue for every member that comes along. This is essentially a source of long-term revenue.

It is a form of consistent revenue. On the other hand, what makes the recurring income or residual model so great is the fact you can use the revenue generated to pay your debt with. Additionally, it is the type of revenue that can allow you to keep and sustain the type of lifestyle you currently have or desire to have for as long as possible.

Advantages of A Membership Funnel

Everything in membership funnel runs on autopilot with little effort. All you have to do is keep your recurrent client’s happy while also ensuring your membership funnel is running smoothly. What you are left to do now is live comfortably while not worrying about where you will get the next money to service your monthly mortgages. This is the kind of stuff everyone dreams about.

However, the membership funnel runs up gradually but grows steadily with time. The aim here is to come up with a compounding revenue stream. For instance, you start out with a hundred people in the first month that later grows into a thousand people in the following month. Now multiply each individual by $37 and voila! You have just acquired a recurring figure of six-figures. Doesn’t this sound great? This is a huge goal to set and achieving it does sound crazy, but it can be a reality.

How To Ensure Your Membership Funnel Runs For Eons?

The question that you should be asking yourself is, how willing are your members ready to invest monthly? You should find out ways on reducing the churn as an owner of a membership site. What will make the people in your membership program stay for as long as possible? What type of services do they require delivered and how will you provide it to them? These are the types of questions that will ensure that you constantly keep your members asking for more. People get easily bored and constantly crave to learn new things. They want to be shown how to get from point A, to point C, to points X, Y, and Z. This something that you should constantly aim to achieve.

Keep making relevant, new, and important pieces of content that will satisfy the hunger of your members. Additionally, make content that will make your members want to purchase. Provide them something equivalent to their money’s worth.

How will you ensure that your members are constantly engaged and what type of engagement do they require to make them stick around for a long duration of time? If you got the answers to these questions, then you are on your way to boosting your client lifetime value. You can rely on the revenue acquired from this type of the third funnel due to its consistency. Compare this to a funnel that requires you to launch one after the other to liquidate your income.

Here Is a Sneak Peek On My Membership Funnel Story

We have been able to retain some members for several years now. What stands out is the fact they love the type of content we post. They enjoy the interactive sessions they get with Melanie, and this produces a wonderful experience making them want to come back and stay with us.

This cohort of members generates for us an important income stream as we do assist them in achieving their objectives and dreams. We achieve this by constantly giving them answers to their why’s repeatedly without failure.

The case is similar to my Content and Conversion membership. I am able not to monetize my YouTube videos as I can get more involved in helping to make their businesses grow.
The sessions in my membership program are of a dialogue nature with a one on one engagement that assist members to apply whatever they have learned in their various niches. The situation created is a win-win as they get what they need thus feeling their money’s worth is being achieved. It even increases the client’s willingness to invest continually in their membership as more of their needs are satisfied.

How To Make Your Own Funnel Series And Generate Money?

Are you now ready to put what you have learned into practice? This has been the main objective behind this blog post, of you utilizing what you have learned to create something profitable. The entire concept of funnel stacking is quite simple as you can get your funnel series up and running ready to begin generating millions of dollars from your online business.

All you require to start out is a funnel builder service surch as Clickfunnels and a lead magnet. This could be a free service that you trade in exchange for the client’s email address. The aim of the self-liquidating funnel is not to make a profit, but to assist you in breaking even on the ad spend. This is part of your funnel stacking components. How do you achieve this? By simply creating an OTO and an upsell.

What Is The Free Service Going To Be?

I have a YouTube video on creating an online course that you could check out. It will assist you with the procedure of putting all funnel stacking components together. However, you could basically start out with any free product that you are offering to people in exchange for their email addresses.

For example:

• A free course
• An eBook
• A masterclass training on MP3
• An instructional course book on how to do a specific thing

Basically, you need to offer something that you can get cheaply or produce t no cost then easily delivers to the client and later actually adds value to the audience. For instance, you could say, “you can view my video on how to make an amazing online course, and then subsequently provide the initial segment of the video as the free service or lead-magnet. “

It is from this instance that you create your One-Time-Offer page and also your one-click upsell. Then you later proceed to working on your membership funnel and your high-ticket funnel creating a funnel stacking network that will completely nail it while also assisting your audience.

Significance of Split Testing

I have to emphasize on the significance of split-testing your funnel. Every individual part of your funnel stacking must be A/B split testing to get it working well. One can never tell how something will work unless trying out for themselves.

In conclusion

Funnel stacking can be a fun experience. This is once you’ve got a handle on how the whole system is set up as well as how to get its intricate pieces moving in the required direction. Every funnel has a role to play so you should learn to work with them separately. You can think of them as specialty tools found within a toolbox. You do not have to utilize an all-in-one tool when constructing a house. There are specific tools for every job such as a framing hammer or a chop saw. This is how funnel stacking tools work.

The 3 funnels each serve a specific function. However, once you stack one on top of the other, you will be able to create a successful self-sustaining online business. You will set up a multi-million enterprises by getting these three funnels into one. Do not confuse this venture with being an overnight success as it took me 5 to 6 years to get every intricate piece working in my favor. I assure you that the long-term revenue you stand to earn will be worth it. I, therefore, encourage you to take the first step and commence publishing and testing. Any comments on your progress are highly welcome.

Written by: Tarun Gehani

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