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How To Get Your Podcast To iTunes

Podcast Software Tarun Gehani todayJuly 6, 2019 24

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Once you have finished recording and editing your podcast, you can begin the process of uploading it to a podcast directory like iTunes.

The entire process is not too difficult and does not take very long.

How do you get your podcast to iTunes?

First and foremost, you will need to create an iTunes account if you do not already have one. If you want to, you can make a separate account just for your podcasts. Then, once you create your RSS feed, all that is left is to go to the iTunes website and click submit.

Lucky for you, we have gathered the step-by-step instructions, so your podcast will be on iTunes in no time.

Step by step instructions

The following steps are for after you have recorded your podcast and finished editing it.

However, you may first want to make a note of the official iTunes podcast software specs so there is a better guarantee that your podcast will be accepted.

How to Upload Your Podcast to iTunes

  • Complete your podcast details. There are a few things that iTunes requires of its users before officially submitting their podcasts.
  • Have at least one episode for a future series prepared.
  • Fill out all the required information for your podcast. This includes items such as a title, description, summary, categories, and contact info.
  • Upload a podcast artwork with a minimum resolution of 1400 x 1400 and a maximum resolution of 3000 x 3000 in JPG or PNG format.
  • Pick a podcast hosting platform. A few of these are Lybsyn, BuzzSprout, Blubrry, PodOmatic, Amazon S3, SoundCloud, and Podbean. Keep in mind that most of these podcast hosting sites charge a service fee. This step is not required by iTunes, but it does make it a lot easier for iTunes and other listeners to find and listen to your podcast.
  • Find your RSS feed URL. Most of the podcast hosting platforms create the RSS feed for you. So, once you sign up with them, you just need to retrieve it. This is necessary for you to have for your podcast to be available on Apple Podcasts. The process of retrieving your RSS feed URL can vary across platforms, so we suggest going to the help center of your hosting platform’s website. There should be specific instructions there.
  • Submit your podcast to Podcasts Connect. To make things easier for their podcasters, Apple has created a portal dedicated directly to podcasts called iTunes Podcasts Connect. Here’s how to find it:
  • While logged into your iTunes account, click on the “iTunes Store” tab.
  • Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and click on the “Podcasts” link underneath “Explore”.
  • On the right-hand side, you will see “Submit a Podcast”. Click on it and the Podcasts Connect page will open.

Once you are on this page, you can begin the process of officially submitting your podcast.

  • You will first need to log in with your Apple ID.
  • Click on the “+” that is on the left side of your dashboard. This will add a new show to your directory.
  • On the next page, you will need to enter your RSS feed address. Next, just click the “Validate” button.
  • Once your podcast has been validated, you will need to double check all your podcast’s details. Finally, you click “Submit”!

Soon after submission, you will receive a confirmation message from iTunes.

If for some reason your podcast does not get validated, go back and make sure you filled in all the details for your podcast (Step 1).

Wait for approval from iTunes. It can take anywhere between 24 hours to two weeks for a podcast to be validated.

Most of the time, it is done in less than a week. Once you are approved, you will receive an email from iTunes with a link to your active podcast.

Within a few days, your podcast will begin showing up in relevant keyword searches.

Now you are free to go back to your iTunes Podcasts Connect dashboard and add to, monitor, review, and edit your podcast list while your podcast feed is officially live for all iTunes users.

Is it Difficult to Get a Podcast onto iTunes?

Itunes Logo

The short answer is “no”.

The hardest part involving a podcast is just getting started.

Once you have come up with some ideas and record those ideas, the rest is pretty simple.

As soon as you sign up with a podcast hosting platform and have your RSS feed URL, all that is left to do is navigating the iTunes Podcasts Connect site and submitting your podcast.

The second hardest part is waiting. Sometimes, iTunes is slow, and it can take a while for your podcast to be approved and officially published.

However, when you are approved, you are home free! All you must do is keep making awesome podcast episodes.

There are a few content restrictions by iTunes regarding podcasts.

They do not allow the use of profanity in your podcast’s title, the episode titles, and descriptions. If profanity is used, your podcast will be removed from iTunes.

What Are the Benefits of Having a Podcast On iTunes?

For the most part, iTunes is the go-to place for podcasts.

Now that iTunes has its podcast specific portal, it has become a staple for podcasters and podcast listeners, especially now that most of the other podcast apps no longer exist.

Why You Should Choose iTunes for your Podcast

Illustration Of Itunes Podcast
  • iTunes is the largest podcast consumption app.
  • As of 2005, iTunes has been responsible for as much as 90% of downloaded podcasts.
  • The iTunes API powers other podcast apps; plus, iTunes podcast links every work on the BeyondPod app, which means your podcast on iTunes is automatically included and shown in other apps and directories.

Having your podcast in iTunes makes it much easier for potential listeners to find your podcast and subscribe with just a few clicks of a button.

It is significantly easier than having your listeners copy and paste your RSS feed into a podcast app.

Your Podcast is on iTunes: What Happens Next?

Once your podcast has been approved by iTunes and is published, all that is left for you to do is keep recording more episodes.

From your iTunes Podcasts Connect dashboard, you can manage your podcast and keep uploading more, the same way you did the first time.

One question that you may ask as a podcaster is: how long does it take for newly published episodes to show up in iTunes Podcasts Connect?

It could take up to 24 hours for iTunes to check your RSS feed for new episodes, but most of the time, the new episode will be available within the first couple of hours.

As far as your subscribers using mobile podcast apps, they tend to receive new episodes and updates a lot more quickly than the time it takes for major directories to refresh.

A tip you may want to try is to subscribe to your own podcast.

You can do this in either Apple Podcasts or any other mobile podcast app you use. This way, you can monitor the publishing and updates that are made.

As a subscriber, you can check to make sure changes are made and make sure everything is working properly.

Then, you know to just wait a little longer for the directories to refresh and update.

Do I Need a Mobile App for My Podcast?

Using Podcast App

You may be wondering if you need a mobile app for your podcast. Regarding this, there are pros and cons.


  • Reduced complexity. Most people are more comfortable with downloading an app rather than subscribing to a podcast.
  • Audience growth. This happens by making yourself more findable on app-only directories.
  • Easier audience engagement. Through an app, listeners can simply tap a button to send you a message.
  • Make more connections. If you want to, you can create your own sharing buttons for your other social media accounts such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.


  • Yes, an app can make you more visible, but you would need to make sure that your content is worth it and that the title is well-suited to keyword searches.
  • Money. This is a literal cost. Apps are not cheap to develop.
  • Maintenance and updates. All apps need to be updated occasionally, and customer support is needed to make sure your listeners stay happy.
  • Truthfully, you might not have the audience size to make creating an app even worth it.

These are a few things you will want to consider before investing in an app for your podcast. You now know how to get your podcast published on iTunes.

Overall, it is a pretty easy process in comparison to purchasing recording equipment and trying to brainstorm podcast ideas. Good luck!

Written by: Tarun Gehani

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