One of the fundamental principles of running a successful business is to maintain customer satisfaction. Once you achieve that, it becomes easier to increase your profit streams as they find it easier to purchase from you. Customer satisfaction comes in many forms. Ideally, maintaining a high quality of product and [...]
Or can it actually resurrect your company and perhaps give it the chance to thrive, even in the most competitive markets?
Any experienced marketer will tell you, yes.
Email is one of the most valuable and effective communication channels, even in today’s noisy climate.
Are you still wondering why you should start working on your email list as soon as possible?
Here are 5 excellent reasons why email marketing is a smart move.
Email Marketing Is Alive (and Kicking)
…and it isn’t going anywhere.
As a matter of fact, people still send and receive emails, don’t they?
This is an extremely effective form of communication that is very unlikely to sink into oblivion over the next decade.
First of all, it involves the presence of common, accessible equipment (we all have a laptop and/or a smartphone, or any other Internet-enabled gadget on us, don’t we?).
Secondly, it is pretty straightforward.
Thirdly, it is cost and time-effective.
Emails Are Very Personal
Email is one of the most effective ways of reaching people when and where they are.
When you subscribe to someone’s newsletter or decide to check a box and confirm the fact that you wish to receive emails sent by a certain company, you basically give them permission for them to enter your inbox.
It’s a way of saying: “Hello, I am fond of your work and would like to hear more about your activity on a regular basis.”
Needless to say that all brands would want to fulfill your wish.
While you think about it, you realize that the subject line of some of the emails you receive actually start with your name.
Even if you choose to ignore this old trick in the digital marketing book, you still realize that emails maintain a deeper connection between brands and prospects and go beyond the dull depersonalized calls to action that are quite often being ignored by customers.
Emails Can Be Highly Targeted
Again, you don’t just send random promotional messages to random people.
A well-researched segmentation process will enable you to prevent mistakes, as well as lost time and money.
[Tweet “Most 96-year olds won’t need to buy your Barbie dolls.”]
College students will probably ignore email marketing campaigns designed to bring innovative dentures into the spotlight.
This is precisely why you need to get to know your audience and conduct extensive market research before investing in reader-oriented email copy.
Successful email campaigns are targeted; this is one of the reasons why they manage to deliver noticeable, measurable results.
Emails Represent a One-on-One Form of Communication
[Tweet “Emails don’t involve a middleman; they allow you to build a solid bridge between your brand and your client.”]
Profit from this amazing opportunity to send on-point, friendly and casual messages that build credibility and trust.
By keeping your potential buyers in the loop and encouraging them to take advantage of your special promotions/annual sales/ridiculous discounts/new coupon codes, you actually manage to stay in the public eye.
Even when you send 1,000 emails simultaneously to all the people in your database, you should still get the distinctive impression that you’re maintaining an interesting conversation with each individual prospect.
Be careful though: the quality of your email copy will always influence the success rate of your marketing campaign.
Dull copy and boring, outdated subject lines will inevitably deter your readers and make them store your content in their trash folders.
Recent studies indicate that an average worker can receive up to 11,680 emails on an annual basis.
Make yours count for something.
[Tweet “The average worker receives 11,680 emails per year. Make yours count for something.”]
Emails Are an Inexpensive Method to Deepen the Relationship With Your Prospects
Want to avoid sky-high phone bills?
Are you eager to step away from an insanely complicated digital marketing strategy that is costing you a small fortune?
[Tweet “Bring back the old-school tactics and start writing emails to save big in the long run.”]
A successful email marketing campaign can boost brand awareness and customer loyalty.
At the same time, it can lead to an increase in sales and allow you to communicate with your targeted audience better than ever before.
Regular updates on social media platforms represent a great way to interact with your public, but since social networking websites are pretty crowded territories, sometimes even your most clever marketing messages can pass unnoticed.
After all, your fans follow several brands, not just the one that you’re representing.
On the other hand, a cohesive email campaign is your chance to get up close and personal with your potential buyers and enable them to identify your differentiators and positioning within the marketplace.
Building an email list takes time.
Nonetheless, this is a mandatory step in the right direction, towards an improved method of reaching your recipients associated with maximized revenues and an increased popularity.
Is email marketing dead and buried? Or can it actually resurrect your company and perhaps give it the chance to thrive, even in the most competitive markets? Any experienced marketer will tell you, yes. Email is one of the most valuable and effective communication channels, even in today’s noisy climate. Are you still wondering why you ...
When it comes to email marketing, there is a reasonable (but fictional) perception that email marketing consists of either helpful emails that don't sell, or pitching in a brash manner. Like most things in life, there is a promotional spectrum to email marketing, ranging in scale from "hard" to "soft" pitch emails. Purely "hard" would [...]
One of the fundamental principles of running a successful business is to maintain customer satisfaction. Once you achieve that, it becomes easier to increase your profit streams as they find it easier to purchase from you. Customer satisfaction comes in many forms. Ideally, maintaining a high quality of product and service delivery is instrumental. Additionally, [...]
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